Copyright and Trademark Information - Please read
The following notices apply to the contents of "Secret Messages", the Home Page of Larry Hancock and Michael Cherkas and all pages which are attached to it:
No text or images from these web pages may be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written approval of the copyright and trademark owners.
We are pleased that you have visited our web pages and we are glad to provide several images for you to download for your own personal use and enjoyment. However, please do not pass these images on to other people. Instead why don't you tell them where to find us so they can visit our web pages for themselves.
The Silent Invasion is a trademark of Larry Hancock and Michael Cherkas.
Suburban Nightmares is a trademark of Larry Hancock, Michael Cherkas and John van Bruggen.
The New Frontier is a trademark of Michael Cherkas and John Sabljic.
All items pertaining to The Silent Invasion are copyright Larry Hancock and Michael Cherkas.
All items pertaining to Suburban Nightmares are copyright Larry Hancock, Michael Cherkas and John van Bruggen.
All items pertaining to The New Frontier are copyright Michael Cherkas and John Sabljic.
All other contents are copyright by Larry Hancock.